Microsoft Word

In versions of Word from 2007 onwards, you have various options for pasting content from the clipboard. The pasting behavior of Word will depend on the default options that you have selected.

If you find that your default paste option (i.e., ctrl-v) results in formatting such as italic text and hyperlinks being lost, you should use Paste Special (click the down arrow below the Paste icon on the Home tab of the Word ribbon) and then select HTML Format from the various options, OR paste by right-clicking and choosing Keep Source Formatting.

You can adjust your default paste options to retain Edifix formatting by using the Set Default Paste... option from the down arrow below the Paste icon (or you can navigate to these settings from Word>Options>Advanced). Under Paste from other programs:, select Keep Source Formatting.

Pasting unformatted text as HTML

The Copy to Clipboard button copies the HTML of your formatted references to the clipboard. When you paste your references into Word as HTML Format text, Word automatically translates the HTML into formatted text. When you paste your references as Unformatted Text, however, the HTML code is pasted instead. This may look like:


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<div id="article-back" class="back"><div class="back-section">
<a name="idp419335216"><!-- named anchor --></a><div class="section ref-list">
<a name="idp419335216"><!-- named anchor --></a><table class="ref-list" width="100%">
<div class="reference">1 <a name="b1"><!-- named anchor --></a><a name="idp412453760"><!-- named anchor --></a>Molter, C., O’Neill, J., Yamaguchi, Y., Hirase, H., &amp; Leinekugel, X. (2012, September 6). Rhythmic modulation of θ oscillations supports encoding of spatial and behavioral information in the rat hippocampus. <i>Neuron</i><i>,</i> <i>75</i>(5), 889–903. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>


One way to work around this is to export your reference list to a Word doc. 

InDesign and elsewhere

The Copy to Clipboard button copies the HTML of your formatted references. While certain word-processing programs, such as MS Word, can easily translate HTML into formatted text, other programs are unable to do so. If you use the Copy to Clipboard button and paste the contents of the clipboard into InDesign, for example, the HTML code will be pasted as plain text instead of your formatted references. To work around this, first paste your references into Word. You can then copy the formatted references from there and paste them safely into InDesign.