Edifix stores your past reference jobs in case you need to retrieve them later. To make this process easier, you can give each reference job a name that will help you identify it (e.g., by including the author name, a manuscript number, or a journal volume and issue) and organize your reference jobs on your Previous Jobs page (accessed via Accounts > Previous Jobs from the menu at the top of the page).
If you don't give your new job a name when you launch it, Edifix will name it for you by default: Untitled Job 1, Untitled Job 2, and so on. These sequentially numbered job names will help you keep track of past jobs in a basic way -- but you can also change the name of a job at any time by following these steps:
- Go to Account > Previous Jobs
- Find the job you'd like to rename, and at the far right, click Show
- You're now back on the Edifix page for the job you chose! On the right-hand side of the screen, change the job name in the input box under Job Name, then click Update.