The sample references allow you to see for yourself what Edifix can do, without deducting references from your allowance. They have been selected to show several aspects of what Edifix does best, including correcting, formatting, and linking. The sample references are "free samples" for you to use whenever you want, wherever you want, as often as you want.

Paste the sample references into the Input References box and check PubMed and Crossref Linking and Data Correction to see Edifix at work. When Edifix inserts DOIs or PubMed links for the sample references, they will be marked as non-billable. In other words, when the sample references link to Crossref or PubMed, they will not be deducted from your plan's reference allowance -- no matter how many times you run them through Edifix!

So, show Edifix off to your friends and coworkers. Test out a new feature. That's why the sample references are there! Just remember to select PubMed or Crossref Data Linking and Correction when you Edifix any of the sample references.

The sample references are available by clicking View Sample References (just below the reference input window); by clicking here; or below:

1. Molter C, O'Neill J, Yamaguchi Y, et al. Rhythmic modulation of theta oscillations supports encoding of spatial and behavioral information in the hippocampus. Neuron. 2012;75:887-3
2. Baron R. M.Kenny D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Pyschology, 51:1173-1182.
3. J. E. Van Luit, M.J. Van der Molen. The effectiveness of Korean number naming on insight into numbers in Dutch students with mild intellectual disabilities. Res. Dev. Disabil. 32, 1822 (2011)
4. W. B. Redwine et al. Science 337, 1532 (2012).